
If interested, you can send a commission request via Vgen or email me at [email protected] with the format below:

Name/social media handle:
Paypal email:
How will you be using this work:
Personal use (icon, emote, Fugi also ok)
Commercial use A (for monetized stream/video)
Commercial use B (for physical/digital merch, print, Patreon, ads)
Commission type: (chibi half body, chibi style A/B, bust, thigh up, full body)
Commission details: (character details, pose, expression, overall mood, interactions, angle, etc.)
Background/Props: (added props, background description, no bg, solid color bg - pls specify)
References: (attach files or link character reference sheets, background reference, sample poses, angles, expressions or even a simple sketch would help for a more specific pose)
For commercial use commission: Do you have a hard deadline? (optional: skip if there's none)

Feel free to ask me any questions via email :)

Thank you!